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24-HOUR CRISIS LINE: 770-477-2177
"Children are not a distraction from important work...
they are the most important work"
~CS Lewis
Forensic Interviews
Forensic Interview services are provided to children who may have experienced physical or sexual abuse, who have witnessed a crime, or witnessed any other violent act. The primary aim of forensic services is to aid in ensuring the safety of the individual child, as well as other children in their home and community.
At Southern Crescent Sexual Assault and Child Advocacy Center, forensic interview services are provided in a safe, child-friendly environment. Our staff of highly qualified forensic interviewers are trained in the ChildFirst Forensic Interviewing technique and have performed interviews with children ages 2 - 17 years old and adults with developmental delays.
Forensic interviews are essential in the investigation of child physical and sexual abuse cases and can produce evidence critical to the investigation and criminal prosecution. It is our experience that children seem to be put at ease by knowing what to expect and we ask that, if your child is scheduled for a forensic interview, inform your child that someone wishes to talk with him or her about what has been reported. It is also important to reassure your child and give him or her permission to talk freely. However, it is vital that you do not rehearse or coach your child or tell them what to say.
For more information, please call our office at 770-507-7772
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